Relieve Back or Neck Pain with
Gonstead Technique!

How You May Benefit From Gonstead Technique:

  • Manage pain and inflammation
  • Relieve headaches and migraines
  • Reduce Muscle Tension
  • Increase mobility

What Can Gonstead Technique Treat?

Dr. Clarence. S. Gonstead developed a new method called the Gonstead Technique, which focuses on the body’s structural foundation and intervertebral discs in the early 20th century. Patients who suffer from back, neck, or spinal regional pain are most likely to benefit from Gonstead. Today, Gonstead Technique is recognized worldwide in diagnosing and adjusting the spine and may help the following injuries:

How Gonstead Technique Works

patient receiving gonstead chiropractic in New Braunfels for auto accident injury pain relief

Our chiropractor will analyze the whole body from a health and wellness perspective using the following methods:

  • Visual posture analysis – Our chiropractor first looks at your posture, spine, shoulders, and head position. It provides visual clues such as uneven alignment or any underlying problems.
  • Description of the patient – You will be asked to thoroughly describe your pain and discomfort during the examination. It will help our chiropractor in clearly understanding your situation.
  • Instrumentation – Our chiropractor will use a nervoscope to detect inflammation and nerve pressure up and down the spine.
  • Static Palpation – It is a process to feel your spine and detect any swelling, tenderness, and abnormal texture or tightness in the muscles of your back.
  • Motion Palpation – Our chiropractor will feel your spine while you move or bend and determine how difficult each segment is.
  • X-Rays – It will enable us to visualize the entire spine structure, such as vertebral alignment, posture, fractures, and more.

Our chiropractor takes this comprehensive information to identify and correct misalignments. Using precise movements to adjust specific vertebrae and positioning patients to provide the most accurate adjustments.

To learn more about Gonstead, you may contact us at (830) 222-0770 and start your healing journey now!

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* Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.